Atheism can’t win Hinduism/Ved:DSM Satyarthi

Atheism can’t win Hinduism/Ved

DSM Satyarthi

In April 2008, there was an interesting discussion on Ved, Hinduism and atheism.
I reproduce it here, with every word, in original, for the benefit of the interested persons:
Adi from New Delhi wrote:
‘Man you guys suck!!! How stupid is this post. All you stupid Pakis are obsessed about your Islam and your f**ked-up Allah, while all you stupid Indians are obsessed about Hinduism and other shit. Religion SUCKS! It is the biggest destroyer of lives and love in the world. If only religion never existed. Of course it must be noted that however religious the people are, at least India is officially a secular country, while even the Pak govt is obsessed about Islam shit. Racially both India and Pak is the same. It’s not Pak’s fault they got beaten at the wars, India is a bigger and richer country. But all that shit about Indians doing cool science and shit before the west is bullshit. All lies propagated by BJP etc. Me, I am neutral, even though I’m Indian. I don’t give a damn about holy f**king cow gods or shapeless Mohammed-f**ker Allah. All that is BULLSHIT. But at least Indian economy is doing really good, and Indians have the power in their country to protest and select their own govt. We never had a dictator. But I’ll say this for Pakistan, you’ve got some of the HOTTEST girls in the world. You’re doing the world a great disfavour by hiding their faces. Free your women, come on.’

I commented lightly:
‘Though I differ with you in your views about religion, I love your request :’But I’ll say this for Pakistan, you’ve got some of the HOTTEST girls in the world. You’re doing the world a great disfavour by hiding their faces. Free your women, come on.’

Indiann Nanaimo, Canada said:
‘They are HOTTEST because

For centuries they have been abducting HOTTEST girls from all over Asia.
And hiding there faces
They are the daughters of the ones they abducted for years.’

I again commented lightly:
‘I repeat Adi’s request once again:’But I’ll say this for Pakistan, you’ve got some of the HOTTEST girls in the world. You’re doing the world a great disfavour by hiding their faces. Free your women, come on’.’

Actually, their women are themselves asking for it now:

Muslimahs! Come to India. I recommend Hindu lovers for all the Muslimahs.: Khadeejah Muhammad’:

True Indian Lorain, OH responded to Adi:
‘Adi from New Delhi wrote:
Man you guys suck!!! How stupid is this post. All you stupid Pakis are obsessed about your Islam and your f**ked-up Allah, while all you stupid Indians are obsessed about Hinduism and other shit. Religion SUCKS! It is the biggest destroyer of lives and love in the world. If only religion never existed. Of course it must be noted that however religious the people are, at least India is officially a secular country, while even the Pak govt is obsessed about Islam shit. Racially both India and Pak is the same. It’s not Pak’s fault they got beaten at the wars, India is a bigger and richer country. But all that shit about Indians doing cool science and shit before the west is bullshit. All lies propagated by BJP etc. Me, I am neutral, even though I’m Indian. I don’t give a damn about holy f**king cow gods or shapeless Mohammed-f**ker Allah. All that is BULLSHIT. But at least Indian economy is doing really good, and Indians have the power in their country to protest and select their own govt. We never had a dictator. But I’ll say this for Pakistan, you’ve got some of the HOTTEST girls in the world. You’re doing the world a great disfavour by hiding their faces. Free your women, come on.

ur father n mother r f..ker…how dare u to write against hindu gods?..u r welcome accept islam..we dont need u in our hinduism..…

I again commented lightly:
‘How do you know he is really a Hindu?’

True Indian Lorain, OH responded:
‘If he is not hindu…its really good..We dont want such f..kers in our Hinduism…and if he is not hindu and saying abusing about hindu gods…he has no right to live in India.’

Adi declared:
‘I am NOT a Hindu. Please don’t insult me by putting me in any religion. I am an out-and-out atheist. My whole family is Hindu, my parents etc etc. and so is everyone else around me. But I am educated and scientific enough to know that religion is bullshit, all religions including hinduism, islam, christianity, sikhism, jainism, judaism etc etc. Why don’t you people realise that GOD DOES NOT EXIST!!! I mean, how can you believe in something that DOES NOT EXIST? I have no right to live in India? Who says India is a Hindu country? India is a SECULAR country, which means even superior people (i.e. atheists) like me who believe in science and not superstitions have a right to live here. And I have the freedom of speech, I can insult any religion I want. Let’s see you insult my religion, i.e. science, True Indian.’

My response to it:
‘I suspected it from your comments.
I don’t “insult”(?) you by putting you in any religion. Moreover, I congratulate you for being a best son to insult your father, mother and all your family by calling them Hindu.
Great! what an atheist tradition!
Insult your father, insult your mother, insult your family. It is the proof that you are a good atheist.
I congratulate you Mr. Atheist! you are brave enough to kick your father, mother, and family on their butts.
Enjoy the high morals of atheism.
Best of luck.’

I said to True Indian:
True Indian wrote:
‘If he is not hindu…its really good..We dont want such f..kers in our Hinduism…and if he is not hindu and saying abusing about hindu gods…he has no right to live in India.’

He has confessed now. I told you so already.

Adi said:
‘Well my parents don’t practice Hinduism. They don’t sit and pray or keep idols etc. But if someone asks them what their religion is, they’ll say Hinduism. I’ll say I don’t have any. Or if you call science, ethics, logic etc religion, those are all mine. I’m not saying calling anyone a Hindu is insulting them. But calling me a Hindu is insulting me.’

goldendame New Delhi India said:

I guess you have not understood Hinduism properly. Hinduism is not just praying to God or conducting poojas. I don’t do that either, but I still call myself a staunch Hindu. Reason being, Hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of life.

Hinduism is a way of living according to the one’s understanding of principles of Vedas and Upanishads.

Veda is revealed knowledge. Just as the knowledge of gravity was revealed to Newton, similarly, in India, many Rishis or Seers were awakened to certain transcendental Eternal Truths. These Rishis realized that their real nature was not concerned with or linked with ‘body or mind’, nor was it dependent on sense perceptions, but was in fact identical with the Universal Consciousness.

Upanishad means ‘to sit down near’ because they were explained to the students, who sat at the feet of their teachers. In general Upanishads proclaim salvation by knowledge and realization, rather than by faith and works.


PS: The above 3 paragraphs are a ref from Hindu Forum where someone has written about Hinduism and I found it apt to quote here.’…

Hinduism is not just praying to Idols… Hinduism has many branches. Ayurveda, Yoga, Astrology, Astronomy – amongst others are part of Hinduism.

Hinduism is full of logics, you can visit the Hindu forum and discuss the same there.

My response to Adi:
‘Adi from New Delhi wrote:
Well my parents don’t practice Hinduism. They don’t sit and pray or keep idols etc. But if someone asks them what their religion is, they’ll say Hinduism. I’ll say I don’t have any. Or if you call science, ethics, logic etc religion, those are all mine. I’m not saying calling anyone a Hindu is insulting them. But calling me a Hindu is insulting me.’

Sorry! I can’t grasp your logic, Mr. Adi! You say calling you Hindu is insulting to you but not insulting to your parents and family. How is it possible? If the word ‘Hindu’ is insulting like dog or donkey or swine it is insulting to everybody. If it is not so, it is not insulting to you also. Or you feel insulted if you are called wise, brilliant, capable even? What do you think the word ‘Hindu’ means? An idolater? No, it does not. Perhaps you haven’t gone through it’s Sanskr’t dictionary meaning ever. I know. You don’t need it. All the atheists who were born in a Hindu family are fools enough that they lose their logic. They attach one meaning to a word for them and completely another meaning to the same word for others. You are following the same tradition among you so called atheists. What do you know about Hinduism that you hate it so much? I don’t think you know Sanskr’t even and have gone through Ved ever. Do you realize what are you doing? You are hating something which you don’t know even what it is actually in its full form. And you call you are following logic and science!What a joke!
Well, keep it on.
Mr. Adi! I am proud of being Hindu because only Hinduism is the hope for humanity today. Thank Hinduism that has taught its followers to be liberal enough to bear with persons like you.
We Hindus practice religious democracy that even you atheists don’t:

‘RELIGIOUS DEMOCRACY in Hinduism: Ekam sadvipra bahudhaa vadanti’:

We are not fools to hate something we don’t know altogether.
You don’t know Hinduism yet you hate it.
Very brilliant of you!
Isn’t it?’


‘Whom do I worship?: DSM Satyarthi’

‘Sanyas is not the goal of Hinduism’

‘Socialism in Hinduism’

‘Why Hinduism is IMMORTAL?’

‘One should not wish to die: Ved hates death:DSM Satyarthi

‘Why did Lord Kr’shn marry 16,100 Sheikhzadis?’

True Indian Lorain, OH responded to Adi:
‘Adi from New Delhi wrote:
I am NOT a Hindu. Please don’t insult me by putting me in any religion. I am an out-and-out atheist. My whole family is Hindu, my parents etc etc. and so is everyone else around me. But I am educated and scientific enough to know that religion is bullshit, all religions including hinduism, islam, christianity, sikhism, jainism, judaism etc etc. Why don’t you people realise that GOD DOES NOT EXIST!!! I mean, how can you believe in something that DOES NOT EXIST? I have no right to live in India? Who says India is a Hindu country? India is a SECULAR country, which means even superior people (i.e. atheists) like me who believe in science and not superstitions have a right to live here. And I have the freedom of speech, I can insult any religion I want. Let’s see you insult my religion, i.e. science, True Indian.

You r alive because of India and Hinduism..if u live in any muslim country u would be probably killed ..and u deserve it…

U cant insult hindu God the reason is it is insulting of 87 crore Hindus….and we dont forgive those who insult us…this is not ur problem…ur parents r fool…they dont know what to teach u ..they did a big mistake by giving born to u..and they will pay it in future.’

I responded to Adi:
‘Adi from New Delhi wrote:
Well my parents don’t practice Hinduism. They don’t sit and pray or keep idols etc. But if someone asks them what their religion is, they’ll say Hinduism. I’ll say I don’t have any. Or if you call science, ethics, logic etc religion, those are all mine. I’m not saying calling anyone a Hindu is insulting them. But calling me a Hindu is insulting me.

You say:

‘Well my parents don’t practice Hinduism. They don’t sit and pray or keep idols etc. But if someone asks them what their religion is, they’ll say Hinduism.’
It means your parents lie?

Well, how much you continue this great tradition?’

True Indian Lorain, OH said:
‘Soon Narendra Modi is coming to Delhi and the ppl like u are thrown away to pakistan very soon so be prepare for it….Shame on u and ur parents..

U look like small kid..but where r ur parents…dont they have mind ..they will pay for doing this mistake.’

I said:
‘goldendame wrote:
<quoted text>
I guess you have not understood Hinduism properly. Hinduism is not just praying to God or conducting poojas. I don’t do that either, but I still call myself a staunch Hindu. Reason being, Hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of life.
Hinduism is a way of living according to the one’s understanding of principles of Vedas and Upanishads.
Veda is revealed knowledge. Just as the knowledge of gravity was revealed to Newton, similarly, in India, many Rishis or Seers were awakened to certain transcendental Eternal Truths. These Rishis realized that their real nature was not concerned with or linked with ‘body or mind’, nor was it dependent on sense perceptions, but was in fact identical with the Universal Consciousness.
Upanishad means ‘to sit down near’ because they were explained to the students, who sat at the feet of their teachers. In general Upanishads proclaim salvation by knowledge and realization, rather than by faith and works.
PS: The above 3 paragraphs are a ref from Hindu Forum where someone has written about Hinduism and I found it apt to quote here

Mr. Adi! I wait your scientific criticism over it that you are so proud of. Let’s talk about your atheist logics Mr. Adi! I think all the atheists are fools. Prove me wrong! I invite you.’

Adi from New Delhi said:
‘I don’t have to prove anything to people who believe in stuff that have no proofs.
Prove you wrong? Prove yourself right. Show me your god. I mean, an earthquake comes, is it seismic waves and release of the earth’s core energy? No, it’s lord shiva angry with humanity or something. Hindus are not secular. You heard what the ‘true indian’ said. Narendra Modi sucks, look at his forehead, covered with ashes or something. Most of the people who are sadhus and stuff aren’t even literate. Whereas none of the highly-educated people practice religion much. We have secularism and democracy because luckily the people who created out national government were educated in the west. I don’t hate Hinduism in particular. I hate all religions in general. Thrown to pakistan? Hahaha. So is India going to become a Hindu country? What the hell are you doing in USA,’true indian’? If India is a Hindu country then US is a christian country, and you’d be very happy if the americans kicked your a** like your great modi is planning to kick mine. Atheists don’t practice democracy? All the great democracies of the world are secular states, eg US, France, Britain, India etc. You are trying too make India into Saudi Arabia, only Hindu instead of Muslin. What difference does that make?’…

‘It’s very simple. The people who don’t mind being called ‘hindu’ like most people around me, calling them hindu is not an insult. For example if I call you a muslim, you’ll get insulted. But calling a muslim a muslim is no big deal. Similarly calling me a hindu is an insult.’

My response:
‘And why I have to show you my God?

Who do you think you are to ask me for it?

You are using the word my ‘God’. Do you know what is my concept of God?

‘Whom do I worship?’:

And yet without knowing even it, you are asking me to show you my God.

You don’t know what I think of God and even then asking me to show Him to you.
This is an example of your so called atheist scientific logic.

You are proving what I said true.

All the atheists are outright fools.

They don’t know even how to logic.’ from New Delhi wrote:
It’s very simple. The people who don’t mind being called ‘hindu’ like most people around me, calling them hindu is not an insult. For example if I call you a muslim, you’ll get insulted. But calling a muslim a muslim is no big deal. Similarly calling me a hindu is an insult.’

I responded:
‘A second example of stupidity of atheists.

How do you know I feel insulted if you call me a Muslim? How do you know?

You assume it, like all the other foolish atheists assume; and do not try to know.
You assume.
Your atheism is nothing except some foolish assumptions of yours.
Hinduism stands on revelations.
Atheism stands on assumptions!
And they say they have logic and science on their sides.

If nobody calls you superior you yourself go ahead and pat your back calling you superior!
What a scientific and logical attitude!
Isn’t it?

And isn’t it the third proof that all the atheists are outright fools?’

Adi from New Delhi wrote:
‘I don’t have to prove anything to people who believe in stuff that have no proofs.
Prove you wrong? Prove yourself right. Show me your god. I mean, an earthquake comes, is it seismic waves and release of the earth’s core energy? No, it’s lord shiva angry with humanity or something. Hindus are not secular. You heard what the ‘true indian’ said. Narendra Modi sucks, look at his forehead, covered with ashes or something. Most of the people who are sadhus and stuff aren’t even literate. Whereas none of the highly-educated people practice religion much. We have secularism and democracy because luckily the people who created out national government were educated in the west. I don’t hate Hinduism in particular. I hate all religions in general. Thrown to pakistan? Hahaha. So is India going to become a Hindu country? What the hell are you doing in USA,’true indian’? If India is a Hindu country then US is a christian country, and you’d be very happy if the americans kicked your a** like your great modi is planning to kick mine. Atheists don’t practice democracy? All the great democracies of the world are secular states, eg US, France, Britain, India etc. You are trying too make India into Saudi Arabia, only Hindu instead of Muslin. What difference does that make?’

I responded:
‘You don’t have to prove because you can’t prove.
How do you know I believe in stuff that have no proof?

How do you know what I believe and what I don’t?
You assume!

Don’t you?
Mr. scientific! Mr. Logical! you assume too much.

You don’t think there is any need to know something before proving it wrong.
How biased you are!
What a scientific and logical attitude of yours!
Salute to your great scientific and logical wisdom! Wow!’

True Indian Lorain, OH responded to Adi:
‘Adi from New Delhi wrote:
I don’t have to prove anything to people who believe in stuff that have no proofs.
Prove you wrong? Prove yourself right. Show me your god. I mean, an earthquake comes, is it seismic waves and release of the earth’s core energy? No, it’s lord shiva angry with humanity or something. Hindus are not secular. You heard what the ‘true indian’ said. Narendra Modi sucks, look at his forehead, covered with ashes or something. Most of the people who are sadhus and stuff aren’t even literate. Whereas none of the highly-educated people practice religion much. We have secularism and democracy because luckily the people who created out national government were educated in the west. I don’t hate Hinduism in particular. I hate all religions in general. Thrown to pakistan? Hahaha. So is India going to become a Hindu country? What the hell are you doing in USA,’true indian’? If India is a Hindu country then US is a christian country, and you’d be very happy if the americans kicked your a** like your great modi is planning to kick mine. Atheists don’t practice democracy? All the great democracies of the world are secular states, eg US, France, Britain, India etc. You are trying too make India into Saudi Arabia, only Hindu instead of Muslin. What difference does that make?

India is ready to invite all the religion but not its terror…India accept muslims but not terror
India accept christians not their forcibly converstion..
India accepts sikhs but not khalistan movement..

India is secular…but dont bow in front of minorities…This is the face of India…

U r acceptable in Hinduism….and as i told u before too..this is not ur fault…ur parents r biggest fools of the earth who didnt slap u on ur thoughts…so I dont want to talk to u..its not ur fault.’…

Adi from New Delhi wrote:
It’s very simple. The people who don’t mind being called ‘hindu’ like most people around me, calling them hindu is not an insult. For example if I call you a muslim, you’ll get insulted. But calling a muslim a muslim is no big deal. Similarly calling me a hindu is an insult.’

True Indian said:
‘We dont want to call u hindu..We dont want to talk to u..We want to talk to ur parents who gave born to u..(shame on ur parents..they cant give their religion to their son..f..kers..)’

Adi from New Delhi said:
‘I’m not asking you to bow to minorities. Obviously that’s wrong. Obviously terror and forced conversions etc are wrong. But that’s not the debate here. The debate is whether religion is right or not. I don’t really have time to think much about how people prove religion etc. And your parents are the f**kers… let me explain. For eg, when we were both kids, we both would have asked our parents “What is lightning?”. My parents would have said “Lightning is a highly charged bolt of electricity caused by potential difference between rainclouds and the earth’s surface.” Your parents would have said “Lightning is lord indra throwing down his heavenly spears.” Now tell me, which set of parents f**ked their kid up?

I’m an atheist, therefore, I assume nothing. Anything which is proved to me, I believe. As your religion and god and hours of chanting mantra and not eating beef has not got you any tangible results, I refuse to believe in it. Once again, show me proof of god, and I will believe.

Science cannot answer everthing. At least not yet. There are millions of unanswered questions in the universe. But trying to make up answers instead of searching for them (which is what religion is), is hypocracy. Whatever the answers really are, only through science can we know them.’

‘Of course another very important part of science and logical thinking is freedom. Freedom of thought. Anyone who believes in religion is free to do so. I’m not trying to force you into not doing that. All I’m giving here is my opinion. Which is of course based on material evidence, not on faith on unseen and unfelt powers, gods etc. My opinion is that religion sucks. ANd answer honestly, how many lives would have been saved if religion had never existed?’

True Indian Lorain, OH said:
‘I m religious that doesnt mean i dont believe in technology…I m technology graduate so dont try to teach me how light is working…My parents r also engineers so they know what is truth…

and u r telling ur parents r hindu so ur grandfather taught ur parents that indra throws light from ultimately u proved ur grandfathers r f..ker….am i right or u say something wrong??’

My response to Adi:
‘Adi from New Delhi wrote:
I’m not asking you to bow to minorities. Obviously that’s wrong. Obviously terror and forced conversions etc are wrong. But that’s not the debate here. The debate is whether religion is right or not. I don’t really have time to think much about how people prove religion etc. And your parents are the f**kers… let me explain. For eg, when we were both kids, we both would have asked our parents “What is lightning?”. My parents would have said “Lightning is a highly charged bolt of electricity caused by potential difference between rainclouds and the earth’s surface.” Your parents would have said “Lightning is lord indra throwing down his heavenly spears.” Now tell me, which set of parents f**ked their kid up?
I’m an atheist, therefore, I assume nothing. Anything which is proved to me, I believe. As your religion and god and hours of chanting mantra and not eating beef has not got you any tangible results, I refuse to believe in it. Once again, show me proof of god, and I will believe.
Science cannot answer everthing. At least not yet. There are millions of unanswered questions in the universe. But trying to make up answers instead of searching for them (which is what religion is), is hypocracy. Whatever the answers really are, only through science can we know them.’

I said to it:
‘Well, you are answering True Indian not me.
My questions still hammer on your head.
The only portion I can relate to my questions is this:
‘I’m an atheist, therefore, I assume nothing. Anything which is proved to me, I believe. As your religion and god and hours of chanting mantra and not eating beef has not got you any tangible results, I refuse to believe in it. Once again, show me proof of god, and I will believe.’
Again, assuming many things and still not knowing what you are doing even.

How do you know that my religion, and God, and hours of chanting Mantr and not eating beef has not got me any tangible results?
How do you even know I chant Mantr for hours?
You assume it.
Do you not?
And you call it a scientific and logical attitude.
What a brilliant person your atheism has made you.
Don’t try to know anything about other person before contradicting him, just go on assuming and criticizing your own foolish assumptions about him blindly.
That’s why I call you all atheists foolish.
Keep it on. The wise persons are laughing and enjoying your foolish answers very much.’

Adi from New Delhi said:
‘I am NOT talking about you in particular, “Humanity”. I am talking about Hinduism as a whole. And ‘True Indian’, my grandparents taught my parents exactly the same things as my parents taught me. It’s just that they don’t mind someone calling them hindu. I do. And if you do believe in science, you’ll know that the answers science and religion give to the same question are often different and contradicting. Which would you believe in such an occasion? In that lightning question, if you do believe in the eletricity explaination, then aren’t you discarding Hinduism?’

I said:
‘I think you must first answer True Indian as you find his questions easily answerable to you.
We’ll talk when you will finish with him.

It will give you more time to think, if you can, how to answer my questions.
You have written to me:’I am NOT talking about you in particular, “Humanity”. I am talking about Hinduism as a whole.’
O.K. Please tell me what Hinduism is.
As you have so deep knowledge of Hinduism that you are talking about Hinduism as a whole.
I am confessing to you openly with all my senses in proper condition, that I do not know what the whole Hinduism is after all.
You have known it because you are criticizing it.
It will give me some knowledge of Hinduism more that I still do not know.
We Hindus believe:
‘Ananta vai Vedah!”Ved is infinite in knowledge’.

Each and everything which the multiverse has and the existence beyond even multiverse, is described in Ved in its basic form.
‘Sarve Abhihite Vede sarvgyaanmayo hi sah.”Everything is there in Ved. Ved contains the entire knowledge’.’
Principally, where it is possible to extract all the knowledge from Ved, practically it is never possible for any one.

Ved is the knowledge given to us Hinus by the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Almighty.
You know it as a whole!

Very good!
Please enlighten me by answering this simple question–‘What Is Hinduism?’
According to Hinduism why the God made the creations?
Let’s start from the beginning itself.
I’m waiting eagerly for your valuable answers.’

Adi from New Delhi said:
‘Really? So you mean all the vedas arrived by fax from heaven, is it. The four books fell to earth from the skies? No they did not. They were written by the aryans who came to india long ago from central asia and europe. They treated the dravidians (who were more intelligent than them, look at the tamilians) like shit, and they proclaimed that the vedas had come from the almighty. Every religion is like that. Mohammed claimed the quran had been told to him by allah, the bible claims jesus was really the son of god. IT’S NOT TRUE!!! These books were written by MEN, MORTALS THE SAME AS YOU AND I.

I don’t have intricate knowledge about hinduism. I’m not really interested. But I know some of the practices of Hinduism. It’s all around me, India’s full of it. And those practices are useless. They’re all a waste of time. You could spend the time you go to the temple and pray in doing some useful stuff, like studying, or playing football (I hate cricket, but if you like it you can play that too) or teaching, doing business, or creating music, anything valuable, anything that helps your country develop and you prosper. I know a lot about Indian culture, and it’s brilliant. Indian classical music is amazing. But so is so many other cultures. If you seperate culture from religion, you’ll see how much better they are on their own.

I’m sorry but I haven’t read the vedas. I don’t know much about why god (??) created the universe. I have read Ramayana, Mahabharata, the Bible and the Qoran. They’re all wonderfull peices of literature and make very good reading. But that’s all they are. They’re BOOKS. They’re fiction. THEY’RE NOT TRUE.’

True Indian Lorain, OH said:
‘Adi from New Delhi wrote:
I am NOT talking about you in particular, “Humanity”. I am talking about Hinduism as a whole. And ‘True Indian’, my grandparents taught my parents exactly the same things as my parents taught me. It’s just that they don’t mind someone calling them hindu. I do. And if you do believe in science, you’ll know that the answers science and religion give to the same question are often different and contradicting. Which would you believe in such an occasion? In that lightning question, if you do believe in the eletricity explaination, then aren’t you discarding Hinduism?

Who told u in Hinduism it is written like Indra is throwing light..etc..Did u read it in any religious book?

The technology used at the time of Lord Ram was very much advanced….the ppl on those days also believe in Technology…do u know this?

Religion is the faith of ppl..ppl believe that there is some centre power who is control everything on earth…it is faith of ppl..and u dont have any right to play with it…so shut ur mouth.’

Adi from New Delhi wrote:
‘Really? So you mean all the vedas arrived by fax from heaven, is it. The four books fell to earth from the skies? No they did not. They were written by the aryans who came to india long ago from central asia and europe. They treated the dravidians (who were more intelligent than them, look at the tamilians) like shit, and they proclaimed that the vedas had come from the almighty. Every religion is like that. Mohammed claimed the quran had been told to him by allah, the bible claims jesus was really the son of god. IT’S NOT TRUE!!! These books were written by MEN, MORTALS THE SAME AS YOU AND I.
I don’t have intricate knowledge about hinduism. I’m not really interested. But I know some of the practices of Hinduism. It’s all around me, India’s full of it. And those practices are useless. They’re all a waste of time. You could spend the time you go to the temple and pray in doing some useful stuff, like studying, or playing football (I hate cricket, but if you like it you can play that too) or teaching, doing business, or creating music, anything valuable, anything that helps your country develop and you prosper. I know a lot about Indian culture, and it’s brilliant. Indian classical music is amazing. But so is so many other cultures. If you seperate culture from religion, you’ll see how much better they are on their own.
I’m sorry but I haven’t read the vedas. I don’t know much about why god (??) created the universe. I have read Ramayana, Mahabharata, the Bible and the Qoran. They’re all wonderfull peices of literature and make very good reading. But that’s all they are. They’re BOOKS. They’re fiction. THEY’RE NOT TRUE.’

I said:
‘Good to find you talking to me at last.
I knew you can’t talk seriously.

No atheist can.

You all go to senseless talks.
For example, who said to you that the Ved is received by fax?

Not me.

You are talking to me yet you are not answering me.

You are still keeping on to assume and assume and assume, and then start answering your foolish assumptions by criticizing them.
You are not the first.

All your colleagues do it.
They enjoy it very much.

They can’t criticizereal Hinduism, so they have devised this unique method:

‘Don’t listen to Hindus ever.

Only pretend to listen to them and while pretending, go on to assume as many foolish things as you can.

When once they stop, you start to reiterate your foolish assumptions imposing them on Hindus and go on criticizing them.’
What a scientific and logical attitude!
And you say you are superior to us!


Shame on you and your foolish comrades.
Why can’t you be true to yourselves at least?

Why can’t you see in the mirror how foolish you are?
Who said you that Ved is received by fax so you are criticizing it?

I certainly did not.
You have foolishly written:
‘The four books fell to earth from the skies? No they did not.’
Who said to you that the four books fell to earth from the sky that you are criticizing it and blessing me with your bounty to tell that ‘No, they did not.’?
What a bounty from you!

We Hindus thought they were received by fax.

The four books fell to earth from the skies.’

Now, you have revealed the greatest fact on us that it was not so.
All the Hindus are so much indebted to your scientific revelation.

Always assuming foolishly and then criticizing own foolish assumptions!
These are the atheists!
The greatest fools I’ve seen till now!

‘You have written:

‘They were written by the aryans who came to india long ago from central asia and europe.’

Of course they were writtn by Aryans.

I never said that the God wrote them.

He is beyond doing these silly things.

Even a short lived executive has his steno.

We can’t assume God not to have even that facility or alike.

However, you are talking of history till now not of principles.

History is not Hinduism.

Hinduism has history.

I will not argue with you about the Aryan Invasion theory.

You are too ill informed about it even.

You have not updated yourself and yet you are preaching me foolishly your outdated theories as if they are facts proven.

I won’t argue it because it does not concern our present discussion.

Our present discussion is what is Hinduism.

It does not make any difference whether Aryans came from Central Asia, from outer space or from your own house!

Let them come from anywhere!

I’ll not claim even that they were aboriginal residents of India.

As I say it has no effect on our present discussion.

You just keep on to bring every extraneous matter under discussion as you want.

It’s the foolish strategy all the atheists adopt as they can’t talk to the point.

I am vigilant enough to throw away all the extraneous gibberish to keep you on track.
You have written:

‘I don’t have intricate knowledge about Hinduism. I’m not really interested. But I know some of the practices of Hinduism.’
I knew you can’t talk about Hinduism because you don’t know about it.

You are talking about practices.

Every science and Philosophy has its two components:

‘Theory and Practice’.
Theory is a definite thing and it does not differ from person to person.

Practice depends on lot of things.

The ingenuity of the persons who are practicing it, plays a huge part.

In fact no two persons practice a theory alike.

They are not expected to even.

Practice, as such, differs from person to person.

You call this uncertain thing, ‘Hinduism’?

How brilliant of you!
Hinduism has its theory part in Ved.

And, for your kind information Mr. Atheist! The Hinduism is what the Ved tells us.
You haven’t read Ved.

So actually you don’t even know what Hinduism is.
You hate certain practices that differ everywhere.

You can do that.

I myself hate a lot of them.

I myself criticize openly lots of them that they are outright against Ved.

I don’t think I’m doing any harm to Hinduism.

On the contrary, I think I’m serving Hinduism far better than its so called other practitioners.’

Adi from New Delhi said:
‘I don’t get it. You’re critizing yet being so general. You never point out anything specific. You’re always saying I’m so illogical etc. I qoute you:

“Principally where it is possible to extract all the knowledge from Ved, practically it is never possible for any one.

Ved is the knowledge given to us Hindus by the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Almighty.”

You really thought I meant fax as in fax, the machine?

I was using a similie.

I was saying that, contrary to what you said, Ved was not given to Hindus by the “Omipotent, Ominiscient and Almighty”. It was written by the Hindus themselves.

I agree many practices may not be part of the original Hinduism.

Yet if Hinduism (or any other religion) had never existed, nobody would have any excuse for the practices. No women would have been burnt in sati, no man would have died in bloody riots, no partition would have taken place, no 9/11 would have happened.

Religion is ALL in the mind.

There has never been any natural evidence to support any practices of any religion.

If people would have searched for natural truth (which is what science is), we would have been far more advanced a world than we are now.

And you yourself know that as more and more is being known about nature, more deseases are being cured, the inherent NEED for religion and a belief in god of man is eroding.

Religion is slowly being wiped out.

It is happening much more fast in the west, but even in India, especially among the urban middle class, the trend of abandoning religion and embracing logic is growing.

For example (I’m quoting from Wikipedia), 70% of Britain claimed they were not affiliated to any religious group, and only 33% said they ‘believed in a god’.

This has to happen.

Religion is an outdated concept.

It cannot last.’

I said:
‘You are not specific yourself.

How the answer could be specific?

However, nothing is lost even now!

We can discuss further.
You write:
‘You really thought I meant fax as in fax, the machine? I was using a similie. I was saying that, contrary to what you said, Ved was not given to Hindus by the “Omipotent, Ominiscient and Almighty”. It was written by the Hindus themselves.’
That’s what I mean.
It’s the theory you atheists have developed.

Yet, you treat and want us theists, to accept it as fact.
Why do you  think us fools, while the foolish acts are being done by you atheists, yourselves?

Mind you! I am using plural, not particularly you.
Lenin started it as a policy not to hear theists when they criticize the atheism.
He had especially instructed his followers not to join any argument with the theists if they talk with rationality and logic.
They must be criticized irrespective of how rational and logical they might be.
He instructed them logic with them when they are illogical and don’t logic with them when they are logical.
If you had gone through all the writings of Lenin you would have find it.

If you have not, you should, as Lenin was one of the most successful atheists.

Though, his atheism was not behind his success, it was his ingenuity.
You claim to be a person of scientific attitude yet you resort to simile when we start argument.
I have written:
‘You have written : ‘They were written by the aryans who came to india long ago from central asia and europe.’

Of course they were written by Aryans.

I never said that the God wrote them.

He is beyond doing these silly things.

Even a short lived executive has his steno. We can’t assume God not to have even that facility or alike.’
It was a complete answer to you in the matter, yet you repeat it again.
What do you mean?
We should accept your foolish theories as universal facts?

‘You write:
‘I was saying that, contrary to what you said, Ved was not given to Hindus by the “Omipotent, Ominiscient and Almighty”. It was written by the Hindus themselves.’
How do you know?
What proof you have for it?
You think all our Rishis were liars?
Only you atheists are truthful?
I can’t buy it.
When we compare the characters of our Rishis and that of you atheists we find them more truthful than you persons are.
It is observed, in practice, that the liars make theft of others’ successful literary work and produce them as their own.
I haven’t seen a person who write as beautiful and as eternal literature as Ved and instead claiming the credit for it gives the credit to others.
Nobody does it.
However you are claiming it is the case in the matter.
How can I believe?
How many books have you written, or your friends, and attributed to others?
How many articles have you written or your friends and attributed to others?
How many poems have you written, or your friends, and attributed to others?
My dear friend! No one is as mad as  to do it.
Yet, you want me to believe this already super flop, rejected, and outdated crazy theory of Marx and Lenin?
Ved is a large literary and humanistic work.
It consists of more than even 20,000 verses.
This great literary and humanistic work was done and its writers did not claim they had written it.
They attributed it to God.
They claimed they saw it, not conceived.
It is not theirs.
It is given to them.
This alone act tells to any sane person that they were telling the truth.
The same writers who claimed that Ved were given to them, have written other books.
Those other books even lose the multiversal eternal concept and profound humanity we find in Ved.
These other books lack the depth Ved has.
How can it be if the Ved and the other books are from the same source?
A writer revises, improves himself in his later work more and more.

later work of the same Rishis must outexcel Ved more and more.
We find the case is not as such.
Ved outexcels on all the later Aryan work.
It itself establishes beyond all doubt that Ved is not their work.
So, my dear friend! you are quite mistaken.’

Adi from New Delhi wrote:
‘Of course another very important part of science and logical thinking is freedom. Freedom of thought. Anyone who believes in religion is free to do so. I’m not trying to force you into not doing that. All I’m giving here is my opinion. Which is of course based on material evidence, not on faith on unseen and unfelt powers, gods etc. My opinion is that religion sucks. ANd answer honestly, how many lives would have been saved if religion had never existed?’

I said:
‘You write:
‘My opinion is that religion sucks. ANd answer honestly, how many lives would have been saved if religion had never existed?’
And, similarly, if we extend your logic, how many lives would have been saved if Communism never existed!
Evidently, Communism is not a religion, at least the Communists don’t claim so.
It did not last even 75 years.
It could not complete even a century.
Yet, the lives, it did cost, were thousands of millions.’

Adi from New Delhi wrote:
‘Of course another very important part of science and logical thinking is freedom. Freedom of thought. Anyone who believes in religion is free to do so. I’m not trying to force you into not doing that. All I’m giving here is my opinion. Which is of course based on material evidence, not on faith on unseen and unfelt powers, gods etc. My opinion is that religion sucks. ANd answer honestly, how many lives would have been saved if religion had never existed?’

I said:
‘You have written:
‘Of course another very important part of science and logical thinking is freedom. Freedom of thought.’
Communism does not believe in freedom of thought.
Go to the entire history of Soviet Empire which could not complete even a 3/4 century.
Through out its tenure the very first thing it snatched out of its people was the very freedom of thought you are talking of.’

Hinduism believes in Religious democracy, however.

‘RELIGIOUS DEMOCRACY in Hinduism: Ekam sadvipra bahudhaa vadanti’.

Adi from New Delhi wrote:
It’s very simple. The people who don’t mind being called ‘hindu’ like most people around me, calling them hindu is not an insult. For example if I call you a muslim, you’ll get insulted. But calling a muslim a muslim is no big deal. Similarly calling me a hindu is an insult.’

I said:
‘Let me clear myself.
While going through this discussion again, I realized that perhaps I haven’t written anywhere what the true meaning of the word ‘Hindu’ according to Sanskr’t dictionary.
As none asked me perhaps I let it go at that.
Please allow me to provide the necessity.
According to Standard Sanskr’t Dictionaries,’Hindu’means:
‘Hindurdushtnr’h prokto’nary’neetividooshakah,
Saddharmpalako vidvan Shrautdharmparayanah’
‘A Hindu is called to be the one who never compromises with the wicked. He destroys the policies against humanism. He practices the system of life that is noble. He is intelligent and learned. He par excelles in the system of life described in Ved.’

Adi said:
‘I agree many practices may not be part of the original Hinduism. Yet if Hinduism (or any other religion) had never existed, nobody would have any excuse for the practices. No women would have been burnt in sati, no man would have died in bloody riots, no partition would have taken place, no 9/11 would have happened.’

I said:
‘Hinduism did not say to follow corrupt practices.
In democracy, the malpractitioner candidates appeal to caste, creed, and selfish desires of certain groups of voters.
By extending your reasoning, one can claim: ‘If Democracy did not exist no malpractitioner candidate would have appealed to caste, creed and selfish desires to the voters, and would have divided the humanity.’
Do you think this reasoning correct?
Certainly not.
Then how what you say make Hinduism responsible for malpractices of its so called followers?
Why only followers are not responsible for what they did?
Why Hinduism in Principle?
Hinduism never preached them those malpractices.’

Adi from New Delhi wrote:
‘I don’t get it. You’re critizing yet being so general. You never point out anything specific. You’re always saying I’m so illogical etc. I qoute you:
“Principally where it is possible to extract all the knowledge from Ved, practically it is never possible for any one. Ved is the knowledge given to us Hinus by the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Almighty.”
You really thought I meant fax as in fax, the machine? I was using a similie. I was saying that, contrary to what you said, Ved was not given to Hindus by the “Omipotent, Ominiscient and Almighty”. It was written by the Hindus themselves.
I agree many practices may not be part of the original Hinduism. Yet if Hinduism (or any other religion) had never existed, nobody would have any excuse for the practices. No women would have been burnt in sati, no man would have died in bloody riots, no partition would have taken place, no 9/11 would have happened.
Religion is ALL in the mind. There has never been any natural evidence to support any practices of any religion. If people would have searched for natural truth (which is what science is), we would have been far more advanced a world than we are now. And you yourself know that as more and more is being known about nature, more deseases are being cured, the inherent NEED for religion and a belief in god of man is eroding. Religion is slowly being wiped out. It is happening much more fast in the west, but even in India, especially among the urban middle class, the trend of abandoning religion and embracing logic is growing.
For example (I’m quoting from Wikipedia), 70% of Britain claimed they were not affiliated to any religious group, and only 33% said they ‘believed in a god’.
This has to happen. Religion is an outdated concept. It cannot last.

‘I agree many practices may not be part of the original Hinduism. Yet if Hinduism (or any other religion) had never existed, nobody would have any excuse for the practices. No women would have been burnt in sati, no man would have died in bloody riots, no partition would have taken place, no 9/11 would have happened.’

I said:

‘Interesting! What a logic!
If there were no nuclear science, there were no atom bomb, no Hiroshima, no Nagasaki, no terrorist country could have nuclear weapon. If there were no science, there were no nuclear science even!
I wonder whether I am talking to even a sane person!’

Adi from New Delhi wrote:
‘I don’t get it. You’re critizing yet being so general. You never point out anything specific. You’re always saying I’m so illogical etc. I qoute you:
“Principally where it is possible to extract all the knowledge from Ved, practically it is never possible for any one. Ved is the knowledge given to us Hinus by the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Almighty.”
You really thought I meant fax as in fax, the machine? I was using a similie. I was saying that, contrary to what you said, Ved was not given to Hindus by the “Omipotent, Ominiscient and Almighty”. It was written by the Hindus themselves.
I agree many practices may not be part of the original Hinduism. Yet if Hinduism (or any other religion) had never existed, nobody would have any excuse for the practices. No women would have been burnt in sati, no man would have died in bloody riots, no partition would have taken place, no 9/11 would have happened.
Religion is ALL in the mind. There has never been any natural evidence to support any practices of any religion. If people would have searched for natural truth (which is what science is), we would have been far more advanced a world than we are now. And you yourself know that as more and more is being known about nature, more deseases are being cured, the inherent NEED for religion and a belief in god of man is eroding. Religion is slowly being wiped out. It is happening much more fast in the west, but even in India, especially among the urban middle class, the trend of abandoning religion and embracing logic is growing.
For example (I’m quoting from Wikipedia), 70% of Britain claimed they were not affiliated to any religious group, and only 33% said they ‘believed in a god’.
This has to happen. Religion is an outdated concept. It cannot last.’

I said:

‘Religion is ALL in the mind.’
Science is also not elsewhere.
If you are really a science student perhaps you have come across the statements of renowned scientists that in quantum theory and atomic theory the mental condition of the scientist plays a huge part.
Why is it so if these theories are not ‘all in mind’?’

‘We Hindus practice religious democracy that even you atheists don’t.’

‘70% of Britain claimed they were not affiliated to any religious group, and only 33% said they ‘believed in a god’.’

It’s in Britain, because Britain is not a Hindu dominated nation.………

I’m sorry to say that Christianity is not capable to face atheism.
However, it does not mean that Hinduism does also suffer the same weaknesses as Christianity does.

Adi says:

It’s not Pak’s fault they got beaten at the wars, India is a bigger and richer country.’

I’m again sorry to disagree with our Mr. Adi here too.

India is bigger and richer, is not a fact unknown to anyone.

Naturally, every Government of Pakistan, irrespective of the fact whosoever it may be, knows the fact too.

Then why it fights with India at all?

That’s why its Pak’s fault, Mr. Adi, not anyone else’s.

Keep your sense of justice on the right track, at least,  if not the rest of your senses.

You say you are impartial.

Be justified too.

Thanks for bearing with me so long.


More on Hinduism from DSM Satyarthi:

1. ‘Bhoorbhuvah svah!’ ‘The Existence! The Consciousness! The Bliss!’

2.‘Devasy’ pashy’ kaavyam, n’ mamaar, n’ jeeryati.’

3. Hinduism shines

4.Ved is the eternal law book having infinite knowledge in it for human beings

5. ‘According to facts’: ‘Yaathaatathyatah’

6. ‘SET THIS WOMAN for WELL DOER’: ‘Imaam naareem Sukr’te dadhaat’

7. The Evernew Hinduism: Yaathaatathyatah: Ved 2|40|8

8. ‘How to cross death’: ‘Tamev viditvaati mr’tyumeti’: Ved2Yajurved|31|18

9. According to Hinduism: We must be polite, not coward

10.Ye yathaa maam prapadyante taanstathaiv bhajaamyaham: Lord Kr’shn

11. ‘Maachchhitthaa asmaallokaat’ ‘Be not severed from this world’: Ved

12. The mental slavery of the English-educated Indians


More on Islam from DSM Sayarthi:

1. Bal huv qur’anum majeedun fe LAUHIM MAHFOOZIN

2. Innahu laquranun kareemun Fee kitabin maknoonin

3. ‘Hudallilmuttaqeen’: ‘Guidance for controllers of organs’: 2 Al Baqarah: 2

4. ‘Alaa qalbik litakoon minal-munzireen’ ‘upon your heart one of who to warn’

5. Muslimahs! Come to India. I recommend Hindu lovers for all the Muslimahs.: Khadeejah Muhammad

6. Islam according to Qur’an and Maulana Maududi rahamatullh alaihi

7. A Moment of grave thinking for the entire sophisticated Muslim Community

8. ‘SET THIS WOMAN for WELL DOER’: ‘Imaam naareem Sukr’te dadhaat’

9. ‘V’ innahu fe UMMALKITAABI ladainaa la’liyyun hakeemun’: 43/4

10. Most Present day Muslms don’t do what Huzoor(SAW) did:

11. The Muslim beauties are wooing Hindu men FASTEST

12. ‘What really matters in the sight of God’: Maulana: Maududi

13. Why did Islam face a counter revolution at Karbala?

14. Why there are differences among us?

15. No differences Please!

16. Communal Muslims discuss my Muslim wife, me and my Muslim women: Durgesh


Commentary on Ved from DSM Satyarthi:

1. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

2. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 2

3. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 5

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 8

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 1

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 2

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 3

7. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 4

8. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 5

9. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 6

10. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 7

11. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 8

12.R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 9

13. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 58| Mantr 6

14. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 20

15. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 46

16. R’gved: Mandal 2| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

17 R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

18. R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 6| Mantr 2

19. R’gved: Mandal 4| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

20. R’gved: Mandal 5| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

21. R’gved: Mandal 6| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

22. R’gved: Mandal 7| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

23. R’gved: Mandal 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

24. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

25. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 63| Mantr 4-5

26. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

27. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 85| Mantr 42

28. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 1

29. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 2

30. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 3

31. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 4

32. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 11| Mantr 1

33. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 13| Mantr 4

34. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 23| Mantr 3

35. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 40| Mantr8

36. Saamved: Mantr 1

37. Sāmved: Mantr 115

38. Sāmved: Mantr 641: Mahānāmnyārchik| 1

39. Sāmved: Mantr 650: Mahānāmnyārchik| 10

40. Sāmved: Mantr 651: Uttarārchik

41. Atharv Ved: Kaand 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

42.  Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 3

43. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 4

44. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 6

45. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 6

46. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 7

47. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 8

48. Atharv Ved: Kaand 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 6

49. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 1| Mantr 22

50.Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 2| Mantr 25

34 comments on “Atheism can’t win Hinduism/Ved:DSM Satyarthi

  1. akhter says:

    Caste System is not just Racism, but it is much more Vicious, Venomous, Evil and Cruel; Caste System is Racism, Fascism and Nazism

    It has been frequently written about these days and even the so-called intellectuals and the social scientists in CASTE INDIA keep saying with absolute arrogance that ‘The Caste System cannot be clubbed with Racism because Caste System is not Racism and also this is the “internal problem of India” and therefore the world community cannot and should not discuss the hindu Caste System in “The United Nations Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance to be held in Durban, South Africa during August 28 and September 1, 2001”. This only shows how much these so-called hindu intellectuals and social scientists are immersed in the evil teachings of HINDU SATANIC CULT and thus adamantly adhere to the appalling intellectual dishonesty. They are such intellectual prostitutes by their conspiracy of deafening silence always maintain that they are ready and willing to prostitute their so-called intelligence to protect their ill-gotten benefits out of an unique hindu evil and inhuman system of dreadful and grisly Caste System. By maintaining iron-fisted arrogance of upholding this evil Caste System, the venomous manifestation of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult, these evil hindu creatures want the perpetuation and the continuation of the most heinous and unspeakable vicious crimes, atrocities, and abuses against humanity at any cost. And the most heinous and ferocious practice of untouchability that is being imposed on the desperately innocent citizens of Caste India by the EVIL CASTE SYSTEM of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is the daily occurrence in Caste India at free will and at ease.

    The barbarous hindus are so dishonest and mentally corrupt to the core that they are not even willing to go back in time to investigate as to how this evil Caste System came into practice. What is this Caste System? It is nothing but VARNASHRAMA DHARMA! What is Varna? What is the real meaning of this word Varna? VARNA simply means COLOR. Yes, even a child would tell you that COLOR simply means RACE. I am not even going to the origin of this evil Caste System in detail, but one should at least be honest enough to know and accept as decent human beings that the white Aryans from Central Asia, nomadic and barbaric thugs, invaded India (The glorious Indus Valley Civilization) which had been inhabited by the dark-skinned people who migrated from Ethiopia long, long time ago. However, after the victory of the barbarous white aryans over the peace-loving dark-skinned people of India (our glorious ancestors), the barbarous white aryans devised an evil system to keep their white folks away from the native dark and the subjugated masses. This is how the evil VARNA (CASTE) System came to be part of the living hell of India, and thereafter India also tragically became Caste India. To substantiate and permanently sustain this diabolical Caste System, the white aryans invented millions of gods and goddesses, most cruel karma theory, tons of superstitions, dogmas, fear-instilled blind faiths, all in the name of barbarous “brahminism”.

    Later on, the obnoxious brahminism was and still is referred to as “hinduism” (the name given by the invading ignorant Muslims), but really and truly it is actually “Satanic Cult”, thus made the evil Caste System a divinely ordained evil system, and every other ‘cock and bull’ stories to make the subjugated and the original populations of India to believe (nay, brain washed by all the evil forces) and made them to follow those evil stories and to be the willing slaves of the vicious white aryans. This is the reason the evil Caste System is in fact referred to as “Sanctified Racism”. The white aryans also, in the meantime, invented numerous castes and thousands of sub-castes and the evil and unique practice of untouchability with all kinds of filthy ‘purity and pollution’ standards BY BIRTH (if anyone says that the evil Caste System is only designed for people to perform various jobs as per their abilities functional divisions, they cunningly call it -, then the world should ask a simple question to the barbarous hindus: if so, why the unfortunate people in Caste India are stratified and compartmentalized AT BIRTH and BY BIRTH into different graded inequality of thousands of evil castes and sub-castes, the most obnoxious and barbarous system of untouchability and a section of the indigenous people as Untouchables and Outcastes – out side the evil Caste System – the non-caste people and therefore non-hindus! – Can anyone know what a child can do or what its intellectual level is when that child is still in its infancy? But still the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult puts a stamp of an evil caste on that innocent child AT BIRTH itself). The Untouchables are so impure and that a hindu should not touch them and if he/she does, they will get ritually polluted. (Unless it is sexual – an absolute humiliation and open exhibition of total domination and authority over the masses, then there is no Untouchability!). The Untouchables were and still are permanently chained down with supposedly full approval of all the evil hindu gods and goddesses, and with absolutely no hope of this chain of evil slavery ever be broken as long as the hindu Satanic Cult is practiced, dignified and glorified in Caste India. This is the dirty history and also today’s reality of the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult.

    This evil, most cruel Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is the longest existing evil racism in the history of mankind (over 3,500 years), and no one and no one at all in the world would say a word against this evil Caste System, including those famous human beings, Hon. Nelson Mandela of South Africa and late Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., of USA who fought against the other racist systems of the world. No attention outside Caste India about this evil Caste System is ever paid because the world is not allowed to hear the cries and screams of 300 plus million Dalits inside and outside the boundaries of Caste India, and the outside world is absolutely blind and refuses to think and analyze the existing facts in Caste India.

    The author wrote two letters to the then President of United States, Mr. Bill Clinton, to raise the Dalits and the evil Caste issues in Caste India when he went to that country for a visit last year. What Bill Clinton actually did in Caste India is a sad reflection of what most every foreigner inside and outside Caste India does. Bill Clinton went to Caste India, wined, dinned and everything else, danced and came back to the United States like a mouthless, brainless and heartless individual without any honest and moral courage. Bill Clinton uttered not a word about the 300 plus million suffering Dalits, the evil Caste System or any of the gory human right violations in the most violent country in the world, Caste India. If Bill Clinton could act in such cowardice manner, one can easily imagine what other foreigners would do in Caste India! When anyone from anywhere in the world goes to Caste India, a caste-ridden hindu will meet this person, wine him/her, dine him/her, show them the beautiful Taj Mahal and other Muslim historical buildings and take them through other carefully orchestrated tour routes, and provide every other comforts, no matter what those might be, to the outsiders. Then, the foreign visitors quietly leave the venomous Caste India without ever asking any questions or making any observations of the evil Caste reality, but saying only all the nice things that their hosts, the evil caste hindus, want them to say, like brainless dummies. What a tragedy! The barbarous hindus would care less for the cries of the 300 plus million Dalits because their hindu Satanic Cult has completely brainwashed them to ignore or even enjoy the cries of Dalits because the life of a Dalit is far cheaper and meaningless than any animal in Caste India. In addition, the unfortunate Untouchables or Outcastes (DALITS – Broken, Crushed, Oppressed, Subjugated people; also it means ‘Rooted in the Soil’, meaning original or indigenous people) were and still are oppressed, suppressed, segregated, brutalized, persecuted, marginalized, burn them alive, force them to eat human waste and drink human urine, women folks paraded naked in public places, rape them in every way including gang rapes and butcher the Dalits at will and ease; forced the Dalits to perform all the degrading and demeaning tasks and heap every insult upon the Dalits, pure mental slavery, with no remorse and impunity whatsoever, but with every iron-fisted force of enslavement to make them completely loose all hopes of being human beings – the sadistic hindus perpetrating the sadistic inhuman atrocities on the hopeless and helpless Dalits; however, the barbarous hindus faithfully follow the orders of the teachings of the sadistic hindu Satanic Cult to make the lives of the Dalits hopeless, helpless and despair and immersed in a spiral life of every violence and agony. The 300 plus million Dalits have essentially turned out to be permanent, obedient, free and willing slaves of the barbarous hindus, enslavement of not only the body but much more dangerous and permanent mind or mental slavery; all because of the obnoxious teachings of the hindu Satanic Cult, and if the Dalits don’t obey the orders of the obnoxious hindus, the Dalits will be barbarically dealt with and finally see to it that they are butchered ‘like rabbits’ with every indignation known to man. The barbarous hindus brutalized and criminalized the Indian society as a whole through treachery and deceit. The barbarous hindus are also the looters, robbers, usurpers and the true gravediggers and grave robbers. The barbarous hindus also keep telling the world as well as the ignorant and illiterate Dalits that the Dalits are brainless, dull and have no intelligence, no merit what so ever and cannot function in any work of substance, and thus rob them of everything including their basic thinking power.

    The Dalits are not allowed to read and write, as they are denied basic education with absolute pathetic living environment in segregated slums, no proper schools, abject poverty and every other disadvantage that make a person live like an animal. They cannot even go near the barbarous hindu gods’ temples, cannot carry arms, own property and the barbarous hindus enforced every conceivable restrictions on the Dalits (brutal penalty if they do not obey any of the evil caste rules) to be permanently ignorant and obedient and dumb slaves. Brutally massacring the Dalits is a pass time for the caste-infested hindus in Caste India, because no one will ever question these atrocities, no matter what the laws and rules have been written on paper in Caste India. Volumes have to be written to list all these brutal atrocities of heart rending persecutions committed on the poor, ignorant and innocent 300 plus million Dalits by the barbarous caste-ridden hindus in Caste India alone (Please see, for example, a book “Broken People – Caste Violence Against India’s Untouchables” by the Human Rights Watch, New York, USA, March 1999, on Dalit atrocities in Caste India). The caste-ridden hindus continue to perpetuate these evil and vicious inhuman crimes on Dalits with stony and hardened hearts and at free will even today because the caste hindu government of Caste India continues to protect these criminals, and the international community too behave like the three monkeys – Will Not See, Will Not Hear, and Will Not Speak, and keep adding fuel to the already violently burning flame. The barbarous caste-ridden Indian government might say that the Caste System may be an internal matter and purely a domestic problem, but if the 300 million Dalits would explode, the whole world will have to answer as the international community is as guilty or more guilty than those perpetrators of the vicious crimes on humanity in Caste India. The evil Caste System is more dangerous, barbarous, tyrannical, evil, and cruel than any other forms of racism – slavery and apartheid – the barbarous hindus have created an unpropitious and evil social system with frightening and fiery outcome because of its cunning and crafty manipulations and disguises, the most inhuman tragedy of any magnitude the world has ever seen. There could be slight modifications here in this explanation, but no one can deny the basic facts in these statements with honesty and human decency.

    Can anyone in the world, including the barbarous hindus, say that a similar vicious system exists anywhere in the world? No, no parallel in the entire world! Caste India is the graveyard of every human right violations anyone can think of. The evil Caste System exists wherever the barbarous hindus live, whether it is in Caste India or anywhere else on this planet, as the barbarous hindus always carry their cruel and poisonous Caste System with them, as they are sick and they have only sick and cruel mind, conditioned by the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. Look at the matrimonial columns in any newspapers wherever the barbarous hindus live, not only in Caste India but also in the US, where the barbarous hindus find matches for their children for marriage – any newspaper in any city; ‘India Abroad’ in New York City, ‘India Tribune’ in Chicago and ‘India West’ in San Francisco, for example where they specifically and strictly ask for their own Castes and sub-castes basis. So, how can the so-called hindu intellectuals and the social scientists deny the simple fact that the evil Caste System is at least as worst as racism, to put it in a simplistic way? Because, they are one hundred percent intellectually dishonest and that is the reason that they can lie through their noses and hide the bare facts about the evil Caste System.

    The barbarous hindus have also been cheating the gullible and willingly ignorant people of the world to look at the other side and ignore when human right violations of the worst kind are occurring routinely and as a matter of fact in Caste India every day. It is also cheating the international community proclaiming that the Caste India is the ‘largest working democracy’ in the world, and the world seems to shamefully believe this blatant lie without ever asking a simple question as to what kind of democracy can survive in a country where 300 plus million Dalits are oppressed, segregated and exploited for the last 3,500 years and this still happily continues without any shred of shame. Should not the Dalits put the entire blame for their suffering on the international community for being reckless in not knowing as well as not wanting to know the facts about the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult and Caste India, the original home of racism in the world? What a shame! Only a person who does not understand or does not want to understand the true meaning of the word ‘democracy’ can say that the Caste India is a democracy. It is in fact a hollow and more so a fake democracy! Just because a country has political elections (that too, one needs to really study how many people are killed, not allowed to vote, purchase votes for few bucks or even one-time meal or absolute intimidation to vote for someone or be killed, or their women folks dishonored in every which way, their huts burnt, ballot boxes destroyed, the polling booths looted, polling officers hurt and killed all with full support of the ‘criminals in uniform’ Caste Indian police, in order to prevent the innocent and helpless masses from exercising even this basic right in a supposedly democratic country!) that does not mean that this country has democracy. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar has said long time ago that a country cannot have political democracy unless that country has absolute social democracy. Caste India does not even know what social democracy is all about because it has the most vicious and venomous Caste System, which is diagonally opposite to what social democracy, is all about. So how can democracy ever survive in a country, which is immersed in the evil hindu Caste System with ingrained social discrimination, oppression, exploitation and every other gory atrocity?

    Instead of going through the definitions and descriptions of the words, caste and race, and their deeds, which could very well be termed as an academic exercise, let us see the implications and how racism and the evil Caste System were and are practiced in the world. Let us first take Racism – Slavery and Apartheid – are two examples of how the other forms of racism have been practiced in the world. Both were evil systems, and there is absolutely no doubt about this fact! But, let us go into the details of these two evil systems and then compare this racism with the most evil mother of all racisms, the poisonous Caste System: It is also a fact that these two evil Racisms are in general no more in practice in the world, except in small pockets of areas in the world where still few bigoted people (always) live! Now, let us ask a simple question: How were these racisms practiced, and how and why they disappeared from the face of this planet?

    Racism is purely, simply and primarily an economically based system; extracting free labor from the slaves, using every available cruel torture mechanisms to achieve this goal, merely a physical system and not a direct mental system. This is the reason why the slaves were allowed into their masters’ homes to cook, to rear their children, to help with every house-hold chores of the masters including helping the daily needs of their (white) women, and in many instances the slave women were forced into pleasing the sexual desires of the male masters. Instances where the Black men were forced to please sexual pleasures of the white master women too are in record. In essence, the slaves had free access to every nook and corner of the slave masters’ houses and they can touch each other, sit next to each other, etc. The slaves were told that they were slaves because of their skin color and nothing else. No ‘untouchability’ was ever part of these evil racisms. Apparently, no god and no religion (would not be a religion, if so!) played any part in these evil racisms. I am not anyway implying here that these racisms are better and tolerable systems. No, they are evil and I am so glad that they have disappeared from the face of this earth, thanks and glory to our own Black Brothers and Sisters in the United States of America, South Africa and in other parts of the world where our Brothers and Sisters gave their lives and underwent all forms of unbearable miseries to save our future generations from the evil teeth of racism. We should definitely mention here those glorious and fair-minded white folks who worked with and helped our Black Brothers and Sisters for the destruction of the evil racisms.

    Now, let us look at the vicious Caste System of barbarous hindu brahminism in depth. First of all, this evil system was supposed to have created by some imaginary gods and goddesses, the so-called ‘karma’ theory where the entire blame for being the slaves – Untouchables and Outcastes, Dalits – were and are still squarely put on the victims for their sufferings. The evil Caste System was created by the racist white aryans for the first time in the world (founding fathers of RACISM in the world), and to protect and perpetuate this racism, i. e. evil Caste System, they created the barbarous Satanic Cult, hinduism, and put all the responsibilities of protecting and preserving all the evil teachings of the vicious Caste System on the imaginary millions of their gods and goddesses. Dogs and cats can freely move around into the houses of the caste-ridden hindus, but the Dalits cannot dare go into the homes of the barbarous caste hindus, nay, they cannot even go to the streets where the evil caste-infested hindus live. The slaves cannot even go near the temples where millions of hindu gods and goddesses who supposedly created the evil Caste System presumably live. Their gods and goddesses too adhere strictly to the evil Caste System and untouchability. The most heinous practice and the highest form of injustice of the Caste System is Untouchability. Not only the slaves were and are the Untouchables, but they are also Unseeables, even Unapproachables and Unshadowables and in every other inhuman ways the barbarous hindus torture the innocent millions of the Untouchables and Outcastes (Dalits). The Dalits still cannot wear shoes in the presence of the caste-infested hindus (the Dalits have to take their shoes in their hands if they see any caste-ridden hindu), cannot take water from the same well where from the barbarous caste hindus take water, and cannot sit while the caste hindus pass by, cannot ride a bicycle, cannot use an umbrella in the presence of caste hindus, in some parts of Caste India, a newly married Dalit bride will be forcefully deflowered by the obnoxious caste hindus, to name just a few cruel injustices, humiliations and indignations. Even though they are Untouchables, their women folks will become Touchables when it comes to quenching the sexual pleasures of these wild hindu beasts. For these purposes, there is absolutely no evil caste system and untouchability because they could show their power over the Dalits by these heinous acts! The same goes for the obnoxious “Satanic Cult, HINDU TEMPLE PROSTITUTION” – evil Devadasi System where young Dalit girls are forced into prostitution inside the evil hindu temples. Another gory discovery and strict implementation of the evil Caste System and the hindu Satanic Cult is “MANUAL SCAVENGING” – cleaning dry latrines and carrying human wastes on the heads – is another most dehumanizing and degrading inhuman practice imposed on the Dalits by the barbarous caste-ridden hindus with the full support of the caste-infested hindu government through the evil Caste System and the practice of the most cruel form of untouchability. If you don’t call Caste India the world’s most violent and blood dripping country on earth, then what is your explanations?

    Today, slavery and apartheid have disappeared from the face of this planet. These kinds of racisms are also fairly new and short-lived. They had hardly 200 years of existence. They could not survive any longer because, as I said earlier, they were based purely on ‘economical exploitation’, nothing more and nothing less. Also, several honest white people worked hard with the Black people to eradicate these evil racisms. But, can anyone find one hindu, a single lone hindu, to work for the demolition of the evil Caste System? No, Never! Let us now imagine that these two evil racisms were thought to be part of Christianity and Jesus Christ was the creator of these evil racisms, I bet, these evil systems of racism will still be going strong today and for many more millenniums. It is an absolute fact that racism was and still is not connected with any religion or god in any part of the world except in Caste India where the barbarous hindu gods and goddesses and its hindu Satanic Cult were and are the main source of the evil Caste System.

    On the other hand, the evil Caste System is over 3,500 years old and is still going strong, not only in Caste India, but also wherever the barbarous hindus live in the world without any exception. Go to the USA, one would easily see the evil Caste System happily flourishing on the American soil with no opposition, all under the false guise and word manipulation of ‘freedom of religion’. Just like in Caste India, in the US too, the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is being practiced with every false propaganda, and the naïve Americans cannot even understand this evilness. By the time the Americans realize this evilness, it would be too late, and the whole land of USA would have been completely poisoned and the cancer will be totally engulfed. The barbarous hindus have no guts to face the facts with moral honesty about the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult. Morality, honesty, human compassion, etc. are all foreign to the barbarous hindus!

    The slaves are blaming themselves for their sufferings, because the so-called barbarous hindu gods are supposedly punishing the slaves, the Dalits, for their imaginary bad deeds in their so-called previous lives. When the slaves blame themselves for their sufferings with the tacit approval and cruel enforcement of the barbarous caste-ridden hindus, who can help the ignorant, illiterate and desperately poor Dalits, no one can possibly help them! When the slaves are enjoying their slavery (may be out of shear ignorance and stupidity), who can possibly help them? No one, I presume, no one at all, except the egalitarian world community can wake up and give the Dalits the “TRUE EDUCATION” about this world menace, the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. Have the so-called gods and goddesses of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult come down to earth to tell the slaves, the Dalits, that they are being punished for their specific misdeeds or crimes in their so-called previous lives? Why don’t the slaves, the Dalits, revolt? They are that dumb, made further dumber by the obnoxious hindu Satanic Cult and therefore they are being subjugated into these heinous inhuman enslavements by the barbarous hindus with the full support of the hindu Satanic Cult. If the Dalits ever revolt, they will be suitably dealt with in every available heinous means on hand (they are currently too punished by the caste-ridden hindus with the willing help of police, administration, judiciary and every other official mechanism available to the poisonous hindus) to put the Dalits in their slave position. There are plenty of laws in Caste India against untouchability, and every other atrocities against Dalits – but have any of these laws ever be implemented anytime in Caste India? No! Never!! Because these laws are only on books – mere words written on a piece of paper – no one can eat a fruit drawn on a paper! Right!! Numerous Dalits are butchered everyday! Every Dalit is oppressed and suppressed mentally and physically from the day he/she is born!! Thousands of Dalit women are paraded naked, rapped and gang rapped. But, have anyone heard of these animals who perpetrated these heinous crimes punished ever? No! Why? Before the ink dries on writing about one crime, the evil hindus commit hundreds of crimes on Dalits trenched in blood, all with the full support and encouragement of the evil caste hindu machinery. It is because the criminals are committing all these crimes as per the teachings of the hindu Satanic Cult. Also, the so-called laws and rules of Caste India do not make these hindu criminals feel a bit scared or afraid. All the laws are in fact dead-letter laws in Caste India. When the Dalits occasionally gather enough courage to go to the police to file a complaint against the evil caste hindus, the police routinely file cases against the Dalits themselves, torture them and put them in jails. No laws against the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult ever are implemented in Caste India – BANANA Republic! – A country of LAW OF JUNGLE or JUNGLE RAJ!!

    When a hard-core right wing, highly placed barbarous hindu in Caste Indian government can proclaim that Caste System is this country’s (Caste India’s) culture and an internal affair and therefore no one in the world can talk about it, what do all the so-called hindu intelligentsia and the social scientists say? Nothing, and maintain absolute silence, and this is the reason why we call them intellectual prostitutes. What do the so-called politically elected representatives and leaders of the Dalit slave community say? Also nothing, nothing at all, because they cannot think, their brains are completely dead, they in fact have no brains to even think and act and therefore they obediently follow the orders of their masters like obedient dogs wagging their tails blindly even though they are being insulted, oppressed and subjugated by their masters, the barbarous caste hindus. Therefore, we call them (most of them anyway with very few exceptions) the political prostitutes! This is another reason why Caste India is not a democracy. It is a joke – a criminal joke – that the international community keeps calling Caste India a democracy as discussed above; it is in fact the graveyard of democracy. By calling Caste India a democracy, the international community in fact is aiding and supporting the caste-ridden hindus to continue to humiliate and oppress the 300 plus million Dalits as Untouchables and sub-human beings. The world has to accept responsibility for these heinous crimes that continue to occur in Caste India everyday of the year. The world community, by keeping complete silence, obviously adding fuel to the evil caste fire and thus the caste atrocities continue with added vigor of blood-spitting and complete arrogance. The evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is the poison that bred moral decay in all areas of life of the Dalits.

    The cruel racist white aryans created the evil Caste System and then to protect this evil Caste System, they created the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult and millions of gods and goddesses and tons and tons of superstitions, rituals, dogmas, reincarnation, and every other brain deadening beliefs and scary threats to humans, particularly to Dalits through evil, filthy, trash and the hate-spitting poisonous so-called hindu Satanic Cult ‘scriptures’. If the evil Caste System is destroyed, the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult will collapse right away. Without the evil Caste System, there is no hindu Satanic Cult! As a matter of fact, the evil Caste System is the bedrock on which the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult stands. As said earlier, hindu Satanic Cult was created to protect and preserve the evil Caste System – the VARNA system. Anyone who enjoys the benefits of the evil Caste System, they will do every thing in their power to perpetuate and to continue the evil Caste System using all their intellectual dishonesty. If there is only one hindu on this planet, then I guarantee that there will be at least two castes, may be more, but a minimum of two castes! This is the reality of the facts about the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult, and the barbarous caste-ridden hindus. It is the worst cancer that human beings ever could have encountered! So, as long as the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is practiced on this earth, the evil Caste System will happily be dancing away continuously and freely, killing millions of Dalits using the ORIGINAL RACISM, the evil Caste System, both physically and much more so mentally. The real racism, Varna System, i.e. the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult, is the mother of Racism, Fascism and Nazism. If anyone goes into the origins of all these evil systems, one would easily find out that the evil Caste System was the originator of all these evil racisms through its VARNA i.e. RACE theory. White aryans were the first in this world to create racism some 3,500 years back, by means of Varna, i. e. COLOR or RACISM. One of the most notorious evil persons in the world, Hitler, had held the evil hindu teachings in high esteem and in fact borrowed the evil hindu symbol “Swastika” to represent his evil Nazism. Hitler also believed that hinduism was the essence of aryan superiority race theory and therefore faithfully followed this belief. There is a racist Nazi in the United States of America, David Duke, and he said that his belief in white supremacy and white racism got reinforced after his visit to Caste India. Wherever evil deeds of racism have taken place in this world, no matter where and when, it could easily be traced out that they borrowed the evil teachings of the hindu Satanic Cult, VARNA, the race superiority theory, to sustain their evil beliefs. In fact, the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult, i. e. its evil Caste System, is the father and mother of Racism, Fascism and Nazism. This world would have been a far better place to live without this barbarous hindu Satanic Cult and its evil Caste System.

    The words “compassion and kindness” do not even exist in the evil hindu dictionary and ethos. Treating someone else, as an “equal” has never been part of the barbarous hindu teachings. But, when it comes to his/her own caste, the barbarous hindus will do anything and everything in the name of his/her own evil Caste! Brotherhood and sisterhood are absolutely foreign to the evil hindus. A good and decent religion teaches (or should teach) its followers to treat his/her fellow human beings as another human being with compassion, kindness and human decency with brotherhood, sisterhood and fundamental human love. But the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult taught and is still teaching to treat another human being on the basis of the evil Caste System, as inferior and filthy Untouchables, using every other derogatory, bigoted and indecent means and with complete inhuman contempt. This is the reason that the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is not a religion, but a Satanic Cult or Demonic Cult. The barbarous hindu Satanic Cult is not a religion, it will never be a religion, and my humble request to you all is that nobody should refer to the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult as a religion. It would be a grave insult to the egalitarian religions of the world! It is hindu Satanic Cult, the white Aryan HINDU HATE PHILOSOPHY!

    The evil caste system is strictly based on the rule of “ascending order of reverence and descending order of contempt”, fully supporting the creation, protection and the perpetuation of the various evil castes and sub-castes of the evil Caste System. The evil Caste System is so heinous that it teaches a child that he/she is an Untouchables the day he/she is born. That too, his/her own mother would tell this obnoxious reality of Caste India to the child, a well designed blot on humanity by the evil hindu Satanic Cult. Have any one of you heard more heart wrenching and blood spitting cruel acts than this, and all these are done with the complete support and approval of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult? The evil Caste System has created extreme bloody violence with abhorrent conditions. There is absolutely no self-respect, self-esteem, freedom, liberty, human dignity, self-confidence, self-pride, self-assertiveness, self-love for the Dalits, but lots of self-hatred, self-anger, self-shame, inferiority complex, all for no fault of theirs, but because of the poisonous teachings and the perpetuation of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. So the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is not only a physical slavery system like the classical racism, but a much more gory system of mental slavery and the evil practice of untouchability indoctrinated from the day a child is born to a Dalit parent by putting a stamp on the innocent human being as Untouchable, Unseeable, Unapproachable, Unspeakable, Unshadowable, filthy and worthless sub or inferior human being!

    It may be, to an extent, an academic exercise to try to define and confuse the meanings of the words caste and race, as desired by the barbarous hindus and as discussed above. Particularly the evil hindus may not even agree with the above approach. Let us forget that, as we can never get the truth from the barbarous hindus anyway! Instead, let us focus on the causes and effects of the two evil racisms on human beings. Any honest individual can easily say that the evil Caste System is the worst case of any racism and this evil Caste System has been suffocating some 300 million plus Dalits in Caste India alone, even today which is happily going on since last 3,500 years, ever since the evil white aryans stepped into our mother land India and made Caste India as the most violent country in the world. It is a pure and simple intellectual prostitution if anyone could oppose the international community to discuss the evil Caste System, immoral, unjust and intolerable system, along with racism in the UN forum. All those who suffer under this evil Caste System and all those who came from this community should march to South Africa to raise in ONE VOICE to tell all the truths about the evil Caste System so that the whole world would hear and possibly spit on the faces of the obnoxious hindus while proclaiming that the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is not only Racism, but the evil Caste System is in fact Racism, Fascism and Nazism, all rolled into one huge evilness of the worst kind that this planet has ever encountered. Let our voices and views be heard loud and clear around the world, and if the evil hindus say that the Caste System is an internal matter, we should tell them that it cannot be an internal matter after 3,500 years of havoc that killed the human spirit and the countless murders, rapes, burning, subjugation, persecution and every atrocity imaginable, and the very existence of 300 plus million Dalits as Untouchables in Caste India alone is simply unbearable and the world community as a whole should be ashamed of itself for this human tragedy the world has never seen before and hopefully it will never see again except in Caste India. Human dignity, social justice and social equality are completely killed by the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. And the world would do well if it could throw the evil Caste System and the Satanic Cult, hinduism, both (one cannot be killed without the other, both should be killed simultaneously or if the hindu Satanic Cult somehow is luckily killed, the evil Caste System will automatically follow its own demise!) into the middle of the sea as deep as possible so that this evilness will never again show its ugly and filthy face on this planet earth or on any other planet for that matter. Social Justice cannot be achieved as long as the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is practiced anywhere on any planet. It would be a tremendous psychological boost for the Dalits if the international community could discus the gory evil issues of the obnoxious Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. This will also be a seal of approval for the Dalits’ struggle and a serious warning to the barbarous hindus that the world is no more a silent spectator in this gruel game of the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult, its millions of gods and goddesses and its tons of superstitions, dogmas, rituals, karmas, and every other conceivable cock and bull evil stories. The world community should not let the flame of freedom lit by the Dalits die down and should do everything in its power to kill the evil hindu Caste System. But, never add fuel to the flame of the evil caste hindus in their cunning game of killing the Dalits with evil disguise, taught by the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult.

    Until and unless the world community discusses non-stop the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult, the barbarous hindus will continue to tell the world that the evil Caste System is an internal matter so that they can continue to kill, both mental and physical genocide, at their will and pleasure with the full support of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. The 300 plus million Dalits of Caste India who are being continuously suffocated under this evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult will not forget and forgive the international community if it does not recognize their terrible sufferings for over 3,500 years solely due to the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult. Please do the right thing, the honest thing, and the decent human thing by punishing the evil caste-infested hindus in the international arena. Please put the barbarous caste-ridden hindus in proper place and save humanity once in for all.

    The evil racial apartheid system was dismantled only because of intense pressure put forward by the international community, in addition to the tireless efforts by the African American community of United States of America. Hon. Nelson Mandela describes as to how the evil racism apartheid was destroyed in South Africa in his autobiographical book “Long Walk To Freedom” (Little, Brown and company, 1994), “International pressure mounted. More companies left South Africa. The American Congress had passed a sweeping sanctions bill.” In addition, he says that “An oppressive system cannot be reformed, I said, it must be entirely cast aside”. Why has the world community kept silence as well as going along with the oppressors of 300 plus million Dalits, the barbarous hindus, with completely blood-socked hands as co-conspirators?

    Also, the international community is blindly making statements without ever thinking the consequences or the root of any statements they make. For example, a past leading politician of England once said that “…is International PARAIAH”, “…. Will be treated like a PARAIAH”. Has anyone ever thought through as to the meaning of the word “PARAIAH”? This word, PARAIAH, is an evil Caste word, to supposedly represent the poor Dalits. Does this mean that the international community accepts and supports the evil Caste System, or does it show their complete lack of understanding about Caste India and the evil Caste System of the barbarous hindu Satanic Cult?

    If the evil caste-infested hindus say that they will eliminate the evil caste system, please ask them one simple question as to “how they propose to accomplish this task?” If they say that untouchability has been already abolished in the Constitution, then let us ask them as to why so many of the Dalits are butchered, their women folks raped and every other evilness dancing on the soil of Caste India so happily every day. The Dalits have to tell them and the international community that anything can be written on a piece of paper and they do not matter unless they are implemented properly all the time. They are toothless paper tigers to cheat the international community. The police, the judiciary, the bureaucrats, the media (both the print and the electronic), politicians, prisoners, the jailers and even the hangmen all belong to the caste-infested hindus and for them the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult is more important that justice, social justice and human justice.

    In Caste India, everything is based on the evil Caste and nothing moves or shakes without the full influence of the evil Caste. And the Dalits are suffering untold miseries for centuries. The world, which helped to destroy and abolish the root and branch of the evil apartheid from South Africa, why does it keep quiet with respect to the much more vicious and poisonous evil Caste System?

    The Dalits need and wish a “real beginning” for their dignified life with the help of the international community for an international human justice and its understanding of all the evil happenings in Caste India for the past 3,500 years. Worst human right violations than any other racism can ever create or even imagine that have been happening in Caste India every day for the past 3,500 years! Killing the evil Caste System will automatically and immediately kill all types of racism in the world, as the mother of all evilness in the world, Satanic Cult hinduism, is killed, there will not be any racism of any type, including the most heinous and venomous racism, the evil Caste System, in this world.

    If you tell and treat a person with all available force that he/she is inferior, worthless, Untouchable, meant only for dirty, filthy and slave works, everyday since their births that too supposedly ordained by some evil gods and goddesses, how could that person ever be a normal human being? This is what the barbarous Satanic Cult, hinduism, has been and is perpetuating to 300 plus million Dalits for the last 3,500 years. Is the world going to allow this evilness to go on unchecked and look the other side like a bunch of innocent bystanders? No, No way, this cannot be allowed and the international community has to come together once in for all to eradicate and write the obituary of the evil Caste System and the Satanic Cult, hinduism, and suitably punish the barbarous hindus for all their evil deeds during the last 3,500 years. One cannot be killed without the other being killed, so both the evils, Caste System and hindu Satanic Cult, have to be killed simultaneously to free this world from the most evil and original racism, the EVIL CASTE SYSTEM of the HINDU SATANIC CULT! The world community should know or at least try to learn the facts that the classical racisms, slavery and apartheid, will pale into insignificance in front of the most heinous hindu Caste System.

    Segregation is racism, oppression is racism, subjugation is racism, persecution is racism, cruelty is racism, untouchability is much more evil than any form of racism; in essence the evil CASTE SYSTEM is the MOTHER of ALL RACISM!! The world community has an obligation to the permanently suffering 300 plus million Dalits to study the evil Caste System and its cruel untouchability to deliver the facts, nothing but the facts, based on human and social justice. Therefore, let your deliberations in this Conference on the unique evil racism, Caste System, start with a big bang and also end with a bigger bang, and definitely not with a sad whimper as the evil hindus and the barbarous hindu government of Caste India are hoping for. If you surrender to the lies of the barbarous hindus, then you would definitely be adding fuel to the already burning out of control fire of the most evil Caste System of the barbarous Satanic Cult, hinduism.

    You go to Caste India yourself to study and gather the facts about the evil Caste System. The evil Caste System, with full of prejudice and hate, is a very complex, vicious and inhuman system, as described above, and a compelling and detailed close look at this poison by the honest world community is the urgent need of the hour to save millions of permanently suffering depressed and deprived Dalits who live with no dignity, simple human dignity, whatsoever, at the hands of the barbarous hindus using the evil Caste System of the hindu Satanic Cult. But, please do absolutely make sure that you go to the sufferers of the obnoxious Caste System, the Dalits, and not the oppressors, the barbarous Caste hindus, as what Mr. Bill Clinton and others have so for done and in turn caused a grave injustice and added more agony to the already suffering 300 plus million helpless Dalits of Caste India.

  2. Durgesh says:

    I do agree with Akhter.
    Yet, Casteism is not supported by Ved:

    As I don’t support anything against Ved, Akhter can rest assured that I do agree with her. I too condemn Casteism in present day Hindus, as she does.
    Thanks for response.

  3. […] No. I don’t hate any religion, neither Christianity, nor any one else. I don’t hate Atheism either. These all ideologies have their own place and as such, their own importance. It’s up […]

  4. […] says it is atheism due which to the First Galactic Empire collapsed. I don’t believe […]

  5. […] Atheism is no more a school of thoughts, considered absolutely infallible. […]

  6. […] a woman is raped till there are not four eye witnesses, has given more rights to womankind than Hinduism. Even blind communalism must have some limits of its […]

  7. […] is necessary even for an atheist if he wants to know about world […]

  8. […] in Gayatri Mantr, He does not take the vow from us to remember any of these eleven attributes. In Hinduism, this Mantr is called MoolMantr, Mahamantr, Mantrraj, etc. Yet, none of the eleven attributes is […]

  9. […] Hindus called it 1,97,29,49,321 Creations Era, and Alberta Jacoby Pitt loved the concept, even though she […]

  10. […] it is quite right that Hinduism is the everfirst Philosophy/System of life that preaches spirituality,its goal is not, and was not […]

  11. […] its own homeland, was stronger than Hinduism ever, that is still immortal, and influencing the ultra modern thoughts and societies […]

  12. […] for the results. If this interpretation is correct, this shlok negates the entire Hinduism. Hinduism is based, ab initio, on INTELLECT, not on beliefs, like Abrahamic religions: It’s moolmantr […]

  13. […] They claimed always that the theists have not proved ever their theism beyond all reasonable doubt, but they also could not do the same about their own atheism they did not accept. […]

  14. […] says it is atheism due which to the First Galactic Empire collapsed. I don’t believe […]

  15. […] “I am most certainly not.” I said gravely. […]

  16. […] Hindus called it 1,97,29,49,321 Creations Era, and Alberta Jacoby Pitt loved the concept, even though she […]

  17. […] 2. This very important Mantr tells how to worship the Savita, Creator, optimum. […]

  18. […] Be shvitīchayah and keep your optimism ever, if you really want to survive the ever destructive pessimism of atheists. […]

  19. […] Union is an atheist administration. So is her Soviet Espionage. They don’t believe in Svarūpé […]

  20. […] of the Westerners/atheists do not even believe it, even if they are informed that it’s a […]

  21. […] if you are an atheist and don’t believe in the existence of Para Normal, that’s what you get for […]

  22. […] atheists, whether Westerners or their blind imprudent followers, never take Our VED Mantrs […]

  23. […] atheist politicians are constantly keeping them divided, with nonstop tremendous efforts, to rule […]

  24. […] scientific system We have created Our entire infinite Creations on, whether you like it or not. The atheists dream of a world that has no creator and no faultless eternal scientific system. It’s impossible. […]

  25. […] isn’t any superstition at all, as the atheists think and boast everywhere […]

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