Ye yathaa maam prapadyante taanstathaiv bhajaamyaham: Lord Kr’shn’

Ye yathaa maam prapadyante

taanstathaiv bhajaamyaham‘: Lord


 DSM Satyarthi

Some persons are constantly trying to make me Christian.

I respect their proposal and concern for me.

Nevertheless, Sorry, I don’t submit.
It’s not that I hate Christianity.
No. I don’t hate any religion, neither Christianity, nor any one else.
I don’t hate Atheism either.
These all ideologies have their own place and as such, their own importance.
It’s up to a person HIMSELF to decide which ideology, out of them, is better for him/her and for the entire humanity, too.

I think, and I have reasons for it, that ONLY Hinduism is better for me, and for the entire human beings.

I’m entitled and authorized to it.

The  question is: How to react when some unwanted wicked strikes you?

I do agree, our first approach should be:

‘Bahuri vandi khaljan satibhaayen,Je binu kaaj daahine baayen.’

‘I pay multifold respect to the unwanted wicked who are, without any reason, disturb me, every now and then.’
Shri Ramcharit Manas: 1 Balkand: 3|1

Till this point, there’s no difference of opinion.
The difference arises hereafter.
The wicked, thinks, it is a weakness of their adversary and he strikes.
What should one do?
Christianity says:
‘Turn your other cheek to him.’
Hinduism says:
Ye yathaa maam prapadyante taanstathaiv bhajaamyaham

‘I treat them as they approach  me.’

This is the policy, our Lord Kr’shn stated in Shrimadbhagvad Geeta, and himself practiced .
He enjoyed a successful life, following this policy, and never got crucified.

Shrimadbhagvad Geeta is a worldwide appreciated scripture now.
Not only the Hindus, even a large number of Non-Hindus do also appreciate it.
On the other hand, Lord Jesus Christ proposed:
‘Turn your other cheek to the wicked.’
What happened to him?
He led a life full of miseries and ultimately GOT CRUCIFIED.

What’s wrong there, if I don’t want to get crucified?
What’s wrong there, if I don’t want to lead a life full of miseries?
What’s wrong there if I want to meet my wicked adversaries in the same way, they want to meet me?
I’m not asking you to do the same.
You are absolutely free to follow any policy you want to.

You are allowed to be a Christian if you want to.
You are allowed to lead a life full of miseries if you want to.
You are allowed to get crucified if you want to.
I don’t want any nonsense of it.
So, I’m vowed to follow Lord Kr’shn‘.
I’m vowed to practice Hinduism.
Please don’t disturb me any more, if you don’t want to be disturbed yourself.
Best of luck, Christians!

I sympathize with you in the same way you sympathize with me.

We have chosen different kind of life system to practice.

Naturally the result we’d achieve will also be different.

They tell me, leading a life full of miseries is spirituality.
What do they mean?
Lord Kr’shn did not lead a spiritual life?
They tell me, getting crucified is actually being spiritual.
What do they mean?
Lord Kr’shn were not spiritual?
That’s not our path.
Our path is that of Karm, not that of a belief that have a faith on someone who let him crucified for the sins of the persons who have a faith on him.

The full shlok from Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta, is:
‘Ye yathaa maam prapadyante
taanstathaiv bhajaamyaham’
mam vartmaanuvartante manushyaah,
Paarth! sarvashah.

‘I treat them exactly as they approach me.
The people follow my path, Paarth! without any exception.’
Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta: 4/11.

‘without any exception.”sarvashah’ means,

according to Lord Kr’shn, it’s human nature.
There’s no exception to it.
We ourselves know, by our own experiences,

that Lord Kr’shn is absolutely right.

Actually, he hasn’t enunciated any new principle here, to Arjun.
He has only reiterated, in his own words, this very Ved Mantr:

Maayaabhirindr! maayinam,
tvam shushnamavaatirah,
vidushte tasy’ medhiraasteshaam

‘By stratagems, O controller of organs! thou cut in pieces the deceiver exsiccator.
The intellectuals know thy this.
Bestow food upon them.’
–Ved:1 R’gved: 1/11/7.

If we go through Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta, we find, Lord Kr’shn has actually reminded Arjun what is told to us all IN VED.
Nothing else!


1. More On Hinduism

2. On Islam

3. On History

4. Commentary on Ved

5. Science Fiction

6.  Creative Adult Sex in English from Durgesh

7. Durgesh in Hindi/Urdu

More on Hinduism from DSM Satyarthi:

1. ‘Bhoorbhuvah svah!’ ‘The Existence! The Consciousness! The Bliss!’

2.‘Devasy’ pashy’ kaavyam, n’ mamaar, n’ jeeryati.’

3. Hinduism shines

4.Ved is the eternal law book having infinite knowledge in it for human beings

5. ‘According to facts’: ‘Yaathaatathyatah’

6. ‘SET THIS WOMAN for WELL DOER’: ‘Imaam naareem Sukr’te dadhaat’

7. The Evernew Hinduism: Yaathaatathyatah: Ved 2|40|8

8. ‘How to cross death’: ‘Tamev viditvaati mr’tyumeti’: Ved2Yajurved|31|18

9. According to Hinduism: We must be polite, not coward

10.Ye yathaa maam prapadyante taanstathaiv bhajaamyaham: Lord Kr’shn

11. ‘Maachchhitthaa asmaallokaat’ ‘Be not severed from this world’: Ved

12. The mental slavery of the English-educated Indians

13. ‘Maa phaleshu kadaachan’: ‘Never in results.’

14. ‘S’ janaas! indrah’: Who is indr?’: Ved: 1 R’gved: 2|12|2: No scientific error


More on Islam from DSM Sayarthi:

1. Bal huv qur’anum majeedun fe LAUHIM MAHFOOZIN

2. Innahu laquranun kareemun Fee kitabin maknoonin

3. ‘Hudallilmuttaqeen’: ‘Guidance for controllers of organs’: 2 Al Baqarah: 2

4. ‘Alaa qalbik litakoon minal-munzireen’ ‘upon your heart one of who to warn’

5. Muslimahs! Come to India. I recommend Hindu lovers for all the Muslimahs.: Khadeejah Muhammad

Commentary on Ved from DSM Satyarthi:

1. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

2. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 2

3. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 5| Mantr 3

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 5

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 7| Mantr 8

4. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 1

5. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 2

6. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 3

7. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 4

8. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 5

9. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 6

10. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 7

11. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 8

12.R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 19| Mantr 9

13. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 58| Mantr 6

14. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 20

15. R’gved: Mandal 1| Sookt 164| Mantr 46

16. R’gved: Mandal 2| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

17 R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

18. R’gved: Mandal 3| Sookt 6| Mantr 2

19. R’gved: Mandal 4| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

20. R’gved: Mandal 5| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

21. R’gved: Mandal 6| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

22. R’gved: Mandal 7| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

23. R’gved: Mandal 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

24. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

25. R’gved: Mandal 9| Sookt 63| Mantr 4-5

26. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

27. R’gved: Mandal 10| Sookt 85| Mantr 42

28. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 1

29. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 2

30. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 3

31. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 1| Mantr 4

32. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 11| Mantr 1

33. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 13| Mantr 4

34. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 23| Mantr 3

35. Yajurved: Adhyaay’ 40| Mantr8

36. Saamved: Mantr 1

37. Sāmved: Mantr 115

38. Sāmved: Mantr 641: Mahānāmnyārchik| 1

39. Sāmved: Mantr 650: Mahānāmnyārchik| 10

40. Sāmved: Mantr 651: Uttarārchik

41. Atharv Ved: Kaand 1| Sookt 1| Mantr 1

42.  Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 3

43. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 4

44. Atharv Ved: Kānd 3| Sookt 30| Mantr 6

45. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 6

46. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 7

47. Atharv Ved: Kānd 4| Sookt 4| Mantr 8

48. Atharv Ved: Kaand 8| Sookt 1| Mantr 6

49. Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 1| Mantr 22

50.Atharv Ved: Kaand 14| Sookt 2| Mantr 25

16 comments on “Ye yathaa maam prapadyante taanstathaiv bhajaamyaham: Lord Kr’shn’

  1. […] that you should not have done it. I’m sorry! I don’t think you are really stupid. It were bad manners in response to your bad manners! I am profoundly sorry that I had to resort to that attitude. You did not leave another option for […]

  2. […] are always more everywhere than the brave ones. Cowardice does not require anything to be done. Bravery does. So, every person who does not want to work, always supports cowardice in the disguise that they […]

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  4. […] shlok negates the entire Hinduism. Hinduism is based, ab initio, on INTELLECT, not on beliefs, like Abrahamic religions: It’s moolmantr is: ‘Bhoorbhuvah svah! tatsaviturvarenyam bhargo deasy’ dheemahi, […]

  5. […] not even–the so called God of Abraham, Who was tired in creating the Universe in six days, and needed rest on the seventh day. Only the morons like you can believe this nonsense. I believe in, and worship a God: […]

  6. […] Judaism, Christianity, and Islam support this basic view of  […]

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  8. […] sorry to say that Christianity is not capable to face atheism. However, it does not mean that Hinduism does also suffer the same weaknesses as Christianity […]

  9. […] the great Islam, which defeated Judaism and Christianity successfully once, but not Hinduism fully; now surrendering to Dharm whether it acknowledges it, or […]

  10. […] all the religions only Christianity believes that a person’s salvation is not dependent on his/her own good […]

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  13. […] am vowed to establish actual Democracy everywhere because that’s what Hinduism/Ved, True Islam, Christianity, every religion originally wanted to establish, until its selfish followers hadn’t distorted […]

  14. […] politicians are never devoted to Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism and/or […]

  15. […] the problem with you PseudoMusalmīn, Pseudo Christians, Pseudo Jews and even Pseudo […]

  16. […] culture, Islam , Christianity and Judaism advocate divorce in such cases instead of […]

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